Kewanee Welcomes
exists to welcome refugees into our community.
Welcoming newcomers that have been forced to flee their country due to persecution or violence include:
Help secure housing and basic necessities
Assist with job search
Provide guidance throughout the application process for basic documentation needed to settle in America
Conduct community and cultural orientation
Provide ESL support and enroll children in school
Facilitate entry into the American healthcare system and assist in scheduling first round of appointments
Provide transportation and assistance in acquiring a driver's license
Our Story
When the 2021 crisis in Afghanistan began, many of us in Kewanee began to question and research what we could do to help those being affected. As we learned about the structure of community groups (sponsor groups), we also began to see many local people interested in volunteering their time and resources to help. The community’s spirit was inspiring and in February of 2022 we formed the non-profit, Kewanee Welcomes.
That spring, we welcomed our first round of families into Kewanee — three families from Afghanistan. Seeing our community embrace these people and cheer them on was a huge green light for us to carry on. Through pathways created by the U.S. government, individuals can arrive under a humanitarian parole visa which allows them to live and work in the U.S. for two years. This pathway has allowed us to continue helping families and individuals from Ukraine, Venezuela, Iraq, and in the future, Haiti and Cuba.
Many in Kewanee and the surrounding area want to help relieve suffering for those coming out of tragic situations. Kewanee Welcomes gives our community something tangible to rally towards, allowing us to act on our compassion and sense of justice by supporting those who have been displaced.
“The greatest gift you can give someone is your time; when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back. Thank you Kewanee Welcomes. ”
Our Strategy
Identify families or individuals in need of sponsorship that would thrive in a rural community.
Provide a safe and comfortable place for families to land while assessing their needs and identifying appropriate service providers.
In this final step we see the families and individuals making friendships and building a life here as they learn about American culture, while continuing to enjoy and teach us about their own culture.

Kewanee Welcomes is a 501(c)3 non profit and you will receive a tax deductible letter when you donate. Our goal is to help the families become as self-sufficient as possible; however, in the first months of arrival, financial support is critical in most cases.
Thank you for your generosity!
Donate by check:
Kewanee Welcomes
320 S. Chestnut St
Kewanee, IL 61443
If you would like to help us by volunteering or if you just have questions, please send us a message.
Fill out the form or email us directly: